Friday, April 21, 2006

Brutality at Abu Ghraib Prison - Christianity Today Magazine: "Christians and Torture
The Evil In Us

Since the discovery of abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, Americans have intensely debated the extent to which torture is, or should be, used to gain information from enemy combatants. In what other facilities is physical coercion used, and to what extent? And what is legal under international law?

But Christians must ask questions beyond the legal and constitutional issues. To what extent can Christians accept torture—even as military defense? How does a soldier, made in God's image, protect the human dignity of the inmate, while gaining essential information to protect his fellow citizens? There are no simple answers, but CT has directly addressed those questions in our February 2006 cover story. More articles on Abu Ghraib, prison brutality, and other criminal justice issues are also available below."