Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Christians in today's world

As Christians, and faithful servants of the Lord, Jesus, the Christ, we must now begin to understand the world in which we live. Certainly, we are aware of the geo-political ramifications that are here and are to come.

Our faith must with stand the onslaught of a world that gives no thought or credence to a divine Creator. What we're seeing is simple. Things are not lining up in our minds, and therefore, our faith is failing.

When our experiences don't match our expectations, we begin to doubt God. No matter what happens around us, we must know that God is able to deliver us.

The three Hebrew boys got it right when they said; 'my God is able to deliver, BUT IF NOT'! The growth in our faith occurs when we know that God can, and therefore, it doesn't matter if God does! He always knows what is most beneficial for us.

As trials and tribulations increase, we must rest in the fact that when my right now, meets God's after while, my circumstance becomes 'no more.' As God is taking care of my right now problem, in His after while time frame, I must thank Him today for the deliverance that I sought yesterday.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding." Then and only then, will we become the people of faith that God has created us to be.

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